Hi everyone. It's Yousef. My first time commenting or talking about this since this whole thing went down. Never in a million years did I want them to post this. I'm crying like someone who just finished all seasons of their show on netflix and realized that they have to do something with their life now. But after talking with my friends, they made me feel bad how I openly prank people in some of the most mean ways. To my defense I argued how I always try to do something positive after my pranks, (one direction tickets, fat tip, etc etc) but this was just outright mean. My friend Wajeeh has been sleeping over and we would stay up late scaring each other with ghost stories. The whole world of "evil spirits" terrifies me to no end. So, Yes. I did cry. hard. But come onnnnnnn. I came home to my empty apartment under the assumption that I was ALONE. I'm outside of the balcony to throw Ali the keys and guess what? Ali isn't there. I turn around and the lights are off in my apartment. I thought we may have lost electricity but I kind of saw a shadow near the door. As I reached my phone and turned on the light the only way I can describe what happened is... my head spun a thousand twirls. my hands got sweaty. my temperature heated up, my body buckled, and I fell into shock. I literally felt like I saw something from the other world. I cried because when I woke up I had no idea what was going on. I was confused and to be honest fainting is scary. At the end of the day, they're my homies and all is fare in love and war. And I did start a prank war with Ahmed. But I told them..
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